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No New Posts ThunderClan

Here is where all accepted ThunderClan bios will go. ThunderClan is a group of cats that live in a part of the forest that is primarily deciduous woodland. The founding leader, Thunder, got his name from the Thunderpath, so by extension the name was given to the Clan. The Clan's main prey are mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits, and birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes. In peace, ThunderClan is respectful of other Clans. In battle, ThunderClan is fierce, courageous, and loyal. ThunderClan cats speak out for what is right, and are not afraid to challenge The Warrior Code.

1 1 ThunderClan
by Silentheart
Nov 11, 2010 19:15:38 GMT -5
No New Posts RiverClan

Here is were all the Accepted Riverclan Bios will go. RiverClan are one of the four Clans that live in the Forest and consider StarClan to be their warrior ancestors. RiverClan cats live on the reedy, pebbly plain near a river with a few trees. RiverClan cats are known for their skill at fishing and love for water. They also love beautiful things, and are known to collect rocks, shells, and feathers to decorate their dens. They eat mainly fish, but they can also eat water voles, shrews, and mice. They are contented, sleek, well-fed cats with well-groomed fur. They are known to be clever and graceful but are perceived outside their Clan as being stubborn and lazy. Sometimes other Clan cats call them "fish-faces", or "fish-breath".

2 2 Silentheart
by Silentheart
Nov 11, 2010 20:59:43 GMT -5
No New Posts WindClan

This is where accepted WindClan bios will go. WindClan cats are known for their love of open spaces. They live on open fields (also known as moorland) where they catch their main prey of hares and rabbits. Of all four Clans they are the least used to wet ground, preferring the grassy ground of the moors, which they sleep on. They do not like to sleep in the shelter of dens, because they prefer the fresh air. In the old forest home, they took pride in being the closest Clan to the Moonstone, where the leaders and medicine cats went to share tongues with StarClan, and they often find themselves blessed to be the closest Clan to StarClan, since the do not live in an environment surrounded by trees or many shrubs that block their view of Silverpelt. They are excellent hunters of the swiftest of prey and are considered the fastest of the Clan cats. In addition to having a reputation as the fastest Clan, they are considered to be the most quick witted amongst the other Clans. They are also the easiest offended and are the least likely to start battles between other Clans. The pelts of WindClan favor shades of gray and brown, perhaps as a natural outgrowth of the camouflage those colors provide.

1 1 WindClan
by Silentheart
Nov 11, 2010 19:16:18 GMT -5
No New Posts ShadowClan

This is where accepted ShadowClan bios will go. ShadowClan is one of the five Clans. ShadowClan's territory consists of pine forests and swamps. ShadowClan cats are skilled night hunters, relying on the cover of the darkness while hunting, as there is limited undergrowth on their territory. They also have the reputation as the most stealthy of all the Clan cats. ShadowClan's main prey includes frogs, snakes, lizards and other creatures that inhabit the marshlands.

1 1 ShadowClan
by Silentheart
Nov 11, 2010 19:16:33 GMT -5
No New Posts Kittypets

This is where all accepted Kittypet bios will go. Kittypets are looked after and pampered by Twolegs. They are plump and well-fed; Twolegs feed them several times daily with dry, tasteless pellets that look like rabbit droppings. They are soft-muscled and know very little about the arts of fighting and hunting (with notable exceptions).

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No New Posts Loners/Rouges

This is where all accepted Loner, or Rogue bios will be placed. Loners often stake a claim on an area around Clan territory. These places are often near Twolegs, such as on farms, abandoned homes or any sheltered area. They tend to keep to themselves and stay off Clan territories, and are more known for their independence and friendliness. Some Clan members find them untrustworthy but others befriend loners on the off chance that they might be useful allies in the future.

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My Life and Loyalty

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Cannon Auditions
Silentheart 0 154 by Silentheart
Nov 12, 2010 17:04:19 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Warrior Code
Silentheart 0 139 by Silentheart
Nov 11, 2010 19:07:26 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Amberkit
Amber 0 18 by Amber
Feb 11, 2022 9:43:19 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Join Form
Silentheart 1 273 by dylan
Mar 21, 2013 9:22:37 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Moonpaw
5572 2 118 by dylan
Mar 21, 2013 9:21:31 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Fitted Kitchens Birmingham
dave88 1 172 by dylan
Mar 21, 2013 9:20:09 GMT -5


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My Life and Loyalty
Here is where the history and peril of it all begins. In this board you will find a form you'll need to fill out to make your warrior and choose your clan. Beware: Once you've made your choice there's no going back, so defend your Clan till your dying breath and know were your loyalty lies. May StarClan protect you.
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